The Approval Process for Home Building in Perth

As mandated by the Building Act 2011, those who wish to build a new house in Western Australia need to secure a building permit first. Would-be homeowners can do this by filing either a certified application or an uncertified one. While both have their own pros and cons, either of these options is viable when building a detached house, which is classified as a Class 1A Building under the Building Code of Australia.

A building permit can be obtained from the permit authority of the work’s location, and must be in the name of the builder. Both a certified and uncertified application need a signed certificate of design compliance (CDC) before they can be approved.
Lodging a certified application in Western Australia requires Form BA1, which has to be filled out by the applicant. The applicant also needs to have the CDC completed by a registered building surveyor, and provided to the permit authority along with the accomplished FormBA1. It takes about ten business days for an application to be approved or denied.

An uncertified application, on the other hand, is a lot simpler, since the permit authority itself will complete the CDC. All the applicant has to do is accomplish and submit a Form BA2. The entire approval process can take a longer time, however, as the permit authority has 25 business days to approve or deny an application. 

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